He also found substantially greater amounts of N in O horizons + 

He also found substantially greater amounts of N in O horizons + soils in barren areas (approximately 25,000 kg ha−1) than in adjacent forested areas (approximately 17,000 kg ha−1). Holloway and Dahlgren (2002) showed that N-containing rocks were not unique to northern California LGK-974 in vivo by documenting significant concentrations (>1000 mg N kg−1) of total N in some

sedimentary and metasedimantary rocks from several parts of the world. Morford et al. (2012) demonstrated the ecological significance of N-containing rocks by comparing N and C pools in forests with and without N-containing rock: those with N-containing rock had 43% greater C content in trees and 60% greater C content in soils than those without. The actual weathering rate of these rocks and the time for release of all N from the rocks and accessed by vegetation has not been addressed. Johnson et al. (2012) found that rocks had two major effects on soil N in a mixed conifer forest in the Lake Tahoe Basin of California: rocks contained 19% of total soil N, on average, and that rock content was directly proportional to total C and total N concentration in the fine earth (<2 mm) fraction. Apparently, incoming organic matter and its organic N were concentrated in samples with high rock and low fine earth contents. On a kg ha−1 basis, however, there was no correlation between rock content and C content and a very low correlation between rock

content and total N content: the decreases in fine earth mass were offset by increases in total C and N concentrations with increasing rock content. Thus, weathering of sedimentary rocks may contribute to unmeasured KRX-0401 purchase N inputs and even low-N rocks can cause large variations in N concentrations in the fine earth (<2 mm) fraction. Over

the last two decades, some studies have been performed which may give us new insights into the nature of ecosystem N retention and export processes. Oades (1988) wrote a very comprehensive review of factors affecting the retention and stability of soil organic carbon and these factors also pertain to the retention of soil organic nitrogen. He emphasized several soil physical and chemical factors such as the chemistry of the detritus entering the soil, the way in which the detritus enters the soil Niclosamide (at the surface or within the soil profile), clay content, and polyvalent cation bridging (Ca and Mg in alkaline soils, Fe and Al in acid soils). Aside from some observations on C:N ratios among soils of varying acidity, Oades (1988) does not mention nitrogen (N) as a major factor in either accelerating or retarding SOC decomposition. This is somewhat surprising, given the textbook generalities and many papers written on the effects or N and C:N ratio on decomposition rates (e.g., Singer and Munns, 2006). Soil scientists have known for many decades that nitrogen is crucial to the stabilization of soil organic matter (Mattson and Koulter-Anderson, 1942).

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