3D) Finally, to confirm that LTi-like cell survival in vitro did

3D). Finally, to confirm that LTi-like cell survival in vitro did not require IL-7, LTi prepared

from Rag−/−γc−/− mice (therefore unresponsive to IL-7) were cultured with CD45−podoplanin+ SSCL and in this assay survival was not affected (Fig. 3C). To examine whether adult LTi-like cells were able to survive without IL-7 or γc cytokine survival factors within AZD1208 clinical trial the splenic T zone in vivo, tissue sections of spleen from IL-7−/− and Rag−/−γc−/− mice were stained for LTi-like cells and analyzed by immunofluorescent confocal microscopy. In both types of mice, LTi-like cells were distributed within the splenic T zones and these cells were in close proximity with VCAM-1+ stroma of T-cell areas suggesting interactions between LTi-like cells and surrounding T-zone stroma (Fig. 3E). Together, these data provide evidence that splenic adult LTi-like cells are able to survive in vivo in an IL-7-independent manner. In the embryo, IL-7 is important in controlling numbers of LTi. In transgenic Ipatasertib mice expressing high levels of IL-7, LTi numbers are greatly increased, resulting in increased numbers of Peyer’s patches and ectopic LN 20. Current data indicate that IL-7 improves embryonic LTi survival. Our previous studies have demonstrated that LTi persist in the adult spleen of IL-7−/− and γc−/− mice 18. In this study we identified IL-7Rα+ and IL-7Rα−

LTi-like cells in adult spleen. We found that CD45−podoplanin+ SSCL promote the survival of adult LTi-like cells in an IL-7 independent manner, and that LTi-like cells isolated from Rag−/−γc−/− Phosphoglycerate kinase mice survived well in culture with CD45−podoplanin+ SSCL. Finally, splenic LTi-like cells exist in IL-7−/− and γc−/− mice in situ and these cells remain in the white pulp areas where they interact with VCAM-1+ T-zone stroma which express podoplanin. Taken together these data suggest that stromal-derived factors control the survival

of LTi in the adult. While IL-7 plays a key role in vivo, there appears to be redundancy in the signals supporting LTi-like cell survival in the adult spleen. All experiments were performed in accordance with UK laws and with the approval of the University of Birmingham ethics committee. C57Bl6, RAG2−/−, RAG2−/−/commonγchain−/− (Rag−/−γc−/−) and CD3ε-transgenic (CD3εtg) mice were all bred and maintained in the Biomedical Services Unit at the University of Birmingham. CD3εtg mice have a profound block in the early T-cell development at the CD4−CD8−CD25−CD44+ stage in the thymus and display a complete loss of T-lymphocytes 21. Mouse spleens were excised and digested in RPMI 1640 medium with 10% FCS plus 1 mg/mL collagenase/dispase (Roche) and 20 μg/mL DNase 1 (Sigma) at 37°C for 20 min. To aid digestion, tissues were agitated to disperse aggregates.

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