Compared with the result of Tsuji et al [26], we can synthesize

Compared with the result of Tsuji et al. [26], we can synthesize silver nanowires in higher yield using a simpler and faster method which obviates bubbling O2 and controlling the heating up time from room temperature to 185°C. Figure 1 SEM images of silver nanocrystals synthesized using PVP with varying MWs. Varying MWs (a) 8,000, (b) 29,000, (c) 40,000, and (d) 1,300,000.

The insets are photographs of the corresponding silver colloids. The concentration dependence of PVP in the synthesis is also investigated. Table 1 presents the yield and average size of each product prepared by varying the concentrations of PVP with MWs of 29,000, 40,000, and 1,300,000. XAV-939 supplier Figure 2 shows the SEM images of silver nanoparticles prepared at different concentrations of PVPMW=29,000. It can be observed that in Figure 2a, 15% silver nanowires

and other various shapes of nanoparticles were obtained at a concentration of 0.143 M. When the concentration of PVP was 0.286 M, high-yield nanospheres with about 1% nanowires were prepared as shown in Figure 2b. Figure 2c shows that the average size of nanospheres was smaller with 0.572 M PVP due to the high concentration offering a stronger stable ability to prevent the aggregation of nanoparticles. The same trend can be seen in Figure 2d,e which shows the SEM images of silver nanoparticles obtained using PVPMW=40,000 with different concentrations

of PVP. We found that the yield of silver nanowires was about 20%, 5%, and 1% at concentrations of 0.143, Thalidomide 0.286, and 0.572 M, click here respectively. Figure 2 indicates that with the SIS3 datasheet increase of concentration of PVP, the shape and size of silver nanoparticles became more uniform. The reason may be that a higher concentration of PVP forms a thicker coating over the surface of silver nanoparticles leading to a weaker selective adsorption of PVP which induces isotropic growth into the nanospheres [29]. Table 1 Statistic of the yield and average size of each product prepared by varying concentrations of PVP Concentration of PVP (M) Nanowire Nanospheres Yield (%) Diameter (nm)/length (μm) Diameter (nm) PVPMW=29,000 0.143 15 100 ± 10/1 ± 0.5 100 ± 20 0.286 1 100 ± 10/0.6 ± 0.1 60 ± 10 0.572 1 100 ± 10/0.4 ± 0.1 50 ± 10 0.143 20 100 ± 10/1.5 ± 0.2 100 ± 50 PVPMW=40,000 0.286 5 100 ± 10/0.6 ± 0.1 100 ± 50 0.572 1 100 ± 10/0.6 ± 0.1 60 ± 10 0.143 90 200 ± 100/2 ± 0.5 200 ± 50 PVPMW=1,300,000 0.286 95 100 ± 20/4 ± 2 200 ± 50 0.572 95 100 ± 10/6 ± 1 200 ± 50 With MW of 29,000; 40,000; and 1,300,000. Figure 2 SEM images of silver nanocrystals obtained by varying the concentrations of PVP MW=29,000 and PVP MW=40,000 . PVPMW=29,000 (a) 0.143 M, (b) 0.286 M, and (c) 0.572 M. PVPMW=40,000 (d) 0.143 M, (e) 0.286 M, and (f) 0.572 M.

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