Once again, following caffeine supplementation times to exhaustion were significantly increased. Results indicated subjects were able to cycle for 96 min during the caffeine trial, as compared to 75 min for placebo [18]. Recently McNaughton et al. [72] reported the effects of a moderate dose of caffeine (6 mg/kg) on 1-hour time trial performance. Captisol cost This investigation is unique to the research because, while
continuous, the protocol also included a number of hill simulations to best represent the maximal work undertaken by a cyclist during daily training. The caffeine condition resulted in the cyclists riding significantly further during the hour-long time trial, as compared to placebo and control. In fact, time trial performance was improved 4-5% by the caffeine treatment over the other two treatments [72]. The use of caffeine in anhydrous form, as compared to a cup of caffeinated
coffee, seems to be of greater benefit for the purpose of enhancing endurance performance. In addition, a low-to-moderate dose of caffeine between 3 and 6 mg/kg appears to be sufficient for enhancing performance in a maximal sustained endurance effort. Caffeine: High-Intensity and Team Sport Exercise It is evident that caffeine supplementation provides an ergogenic response for sustained aerobic efforts in moderate-to-highly trained endurance athletes. The research is more varied, however, TPCA-1 manufacturer when pertaining to bursts of high-intensity maximal efforts. Collomp et al. [46] reported results for a group of untrained subjects, who participated in only 2-3 hours per week of non-specific sport activity. In a fasted state, and in a crossover design, subjects consumed caffeine at a dose of 5 mg/kg as well as a placebo condition, and performed a 30-second Wingate test. Compared to a placebo, caffeine did not result Interleukin-3 receptor in any significant increase in performance for peak power or total work performed [46]. These results are in agreement with Greer and
colleagues [45], where in addition to a lack of performance enhancement with caffeine supplementation (6 mg/kg), subjects classified as non-trained experienced a decline in power, as compared to placebo, during the last two of four Wingate bouts [45]. As previously stated, Crowe et al. [47] reported significantly slower times to reach peak power in the second of two bouts of 60-s maximal cycling. Subjects in that study were untrained in a specific sport and consumed caffeine at a dose of 6 mg/kg [47]. Finally, Lorino et al. [47] examined the effects of caffeine at 6 mg/kg on athletic agility and the Wingate test. Results were conclusive in that non-trained males did not significantly perform better for either the pro-agility run or 30-s Wingate test [73]. In contrast, a study published by Woolf et al.