The transcriptional regulation

The transcriptional regulation download catalog of gene expression is the mechanistic foundation of macrophage activation. At the onset and in the early stages of an inflammatory response, NF B, signal transducer and activator of transcription, activator protein 1, and CCAAT enhan cer binding protein control macrophage gene expression. A secondary response or mid term stage commences around 4 h, which primes the immune system for the resolution, and there is a final late stage response around 12 h after stimulus. The interplay of these three stages thus determines the outcome of the specific and or the overall inflammatory responses. Detailed and mechanistic information concerning the integration of the systems involved in these events is useful not only for studies of immune cell signaling mechanisms but also for the development of remedies to control excessive inflammation.

We hypothesized at the outset of this study that differ ent phytochemicals with reputed anti inflammatory activities may exhibit distinctive patterns of effects and kinetics as they intervene in specific steps in the inflam matory cascade, and that such phytochemicals may thus be subgrouped on those grounds, at the pharmacoge nomic level, for systematic mechanism studies or thera peutic applications. The apparently integrated and programmed patterns of gene expression regulating the various steps of an inflammatory response make them a desirable target system for studying functional genomics of innate immunity. Currently, little comparative studies on the anti inflammatory activities of phytocompounds herbal extracts are available.

Many phytocompounds are believed to be immunomodulatory, we and others have recently demonstrated such activities for a series of anti inflammatory phytocompounds including shikonin, an inhibitor of TNF a mRNA maturation or transcrip tion, and emodin, which represses the inflammatory response. Another unique immuno modulatory compound, cytopiloyne, recently isolated from the Asteraceae plant, Bidens pilosa, has also been reported to decrease the symptoms of autoimmune dis ease in mouse type I diabetes. We have observed that both emodin and cytopiloyne can effectively modu late human dendritic cell function. In addition to these pure phytocompounds, we also reported earlier that a stem and leaf extract of Echina cea purpurea is anti inflammatory in dendritic cells, which suggests that some complex herbal preparations may affect a spectrum of immune cell types during inflammation. An appropriate model system to study macrophage activation is to investigate the response to lipopolysac charide challenge in THP 1 cells, an AV-951 immortalized human monocyte macrophage cell line that closely resembles PBMC derived macrophages.

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